here is a diary

ok ok so i found out that people like posting diaries that they have made online however i haven't made a diary before however i am in possession of some things which could be a diary so i will share them here

old scrunchy piece of paper i found

first side


other side

which martial art do rodents practise?

paper wrapped around a white bottle

chewable vitamin c tablets
50 tablets

cool song

i found this one on a usb stick that was just laying around

the midi player is sourced from this repository

half of a ripped piece of a4 paper

thats why you can count on our glue to make even the most reluctant materials to 'stick to it' and make sure to use our motto 'sticktoit' in the voucher box when checking out your next batch of glue sticks for 10% off

typed out piece of paper with black text and arial font

current course of action: remain in place
current status: unresponsive
suggested course of action: remain in place

weird piece of paper with really curly handwriting

when i look to the stars they disappear
and in the sky only black appears
when i look down and see all i hold dear
i can feel my face grow wet with tears

a motivational quote from a philospher

why does everyone have problems who allowed them to only i should have problems

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